History of Linguistics
Казахстанский университет «Алатау»
на тему: «History of Linguistics»
по дисциплине: «Лингвистика (английский язык)»
47900.00 KZT
History of Linguistics
Тип работы: Диссертация
Дисциплина: Лингвистика (английский язык)
Работа защищена на оценку «4» без доработок.
Уникальность свыше 70%.
Работа оформлена в соответствии с методическими указаниями учебного заведения.
Количество страниц - 86.
1.1 Subject, objectives and theoretical issues in the history of Linguistics
1.2 Scientific directions in the history of linguistics and issues of periodization of the history of linguistics
2.1 The development of Linguistics in Antiquity
2.1.1 Indian linguistic tradition
2.1.2 Ancient European linguistic tradition
2.1.3 Chinese linguistic tradition
2.2 The state of Linguistics in the Middle Ages
2.2.1 Linguistic of Renaissance
2.2.2 Linguistic of period of Enlightenment
2.3 The development of Modern linguistics
2.3.1 Appearance of Comparative Linguistics
2.3.2 Concept of general linguistics of V. Humbolt
2.3.3 Naturalistic direction in Linguistics
2.3.4 Logic direction in Linguistics
2.3.5 Psychological direction Linguistics
2.3.6 Structuralism
3.1 Development of linguistic studies by language levels
3.1.1 Grammar
3.1.2 Lexicology
3.1.3 Phonetics
3.1.4 Syntax
3.2 History of linguistic studies by linguistic aspects
3.2.1 Stylistics
3.2.2 Phraseology
3.2.3 Word formation
3.3 History of linguistic methods
The study of the history of any science suggests, first of all, the study of the various schools and directions that existed at a certain stage of its development, as well as taking into account the main trends in the development of science, the logic of its progressive movement and personalized nature. The history of linguistic teachings is based on a system of basic concepts that are an integral part of the methodology of historical and linguistic research.
Modern linguistics is the result of centuries of development of this science. Interest in the language arose among people in the VI-V centuries BC. Linguistics has gradually expanded the understanding of language, and today's achievements of scholars would not have been possible without the achievements of the past. Each generation of researchers investigates the history of science for the origins of the scientific currents of a certain time. Any linguistic direction of the past should be assessed, first of all, in terms of novelty for its time.
We believe that in linguistics there is a new interpretation of facts of the past that becomes a "new reality". Even addition of linguistic knowledge at the expense of studying of rare, exotic languages forces to refuse some hypotheses and to construct others as in any other discipline like chemistry, physics, and etc. New discoveries force researchers to reconsider systems of knowledge.
The process of origin and formation of scientific thought can be characterized as controversial, nonlinear and multidimensional. The most typical state for linguistics is when a new theory or concept originates within the framework of the previous theory and even uses its terminology. In specific studies of certain aspects of language, scientists working in the field of linguistics are supposed to consciously or intuitively follow the existing attitudes and therefore hold certain views on the language.
The link between the past and the present state of science is complex. This connection can be called a creative return to the past, since any theory of language exists thanks to theories created in the past and developed at a new stage of knowledge.
Many generations of linguists throughout the history of this science have tried to build new theories, challenged the old ones, while showing a deep interest in the works of their predecessors. In reality, it was a kind of reworking of known ideas, provisions with respect to the features of the new era.
In order to understand the true reasons for any changes in linguistics, it is necessary to uncover all possible ways of arousing interest in language in a particular country and at a particular time, to consider central and peripheral paradigms. These facts make the topic of the research relevant.
Linguistics is a science that is subject to the laws of general scientific development. Consequently, the historian of linguistics must take into account the social and historical context of the existence of science, culture and economy.
Speaking about the place of historical and linguistic research, we always turn to such problems as the relationship of history and theory, the specificity of the object of study, links, and philosophical background of science. The development of science does not deny the previous historical stages, and here the philosophical background, which became the methodological basis for the emergence of linguistic theory, should be of great importance.
The object of the research is Linguistics.
The subject – is the development of the concepts of Linguistic as a science in the process of historical evolution.
The aim of the research is to establish the origins and specificity of the importance of linguistic science.
1.1 Subject, objectives and theoretical issues in the history of Linguistics
Theoretical (general) linguistics didn't stand out as a special branch of language science until the 19th century, but it didn't come up from nothing - it inherited problems and ideas that had been discussed by philosophers, logicians and philologists since ancient times, when people realized the existence of different languages, the need for philological work on texts, the complexity of learning and teaching languages.
As a rule, general linguistics includes three sections:
- history of linguistic teachings,
- theory of linguistics,
- methods of linguistic analysis.
The modern problems of the theory of linguistics cannot be understood without getting acquainted with the history of its development. The subject of studying the history of linguistic teachings is the process of learning a language from ancient times to the present day. It introduces the circumstances in which the knowledge of language was born; characterizes the leading linguistic trends and schools that emerged in different periods of world and national history; describes the achievements of outstanding linguists; analyzes the methods and techniques of linguistic analysis used at different stages of linguistics development [62, p. 44].
Any science studies its history, which deals with the different theories, trends and directions that have existed in it over a considerable period of time. These theories are now critically examined from the perspective of the current state of science in order to analyse and evaluate them in terms of the future of science. The history of science suggests that any achievement of science should not be discarded: it should be analyzed, interpreted and placed in modern science.
The history of any science convinces in its continuance. None of the theories appear in the empty space, no scientific school exists in isolation. All of them exist in a certain paradigm - not only the paradigm of scientific knowledge, but in the paradigm of historical setting, the paradigm of social life. For a new theory to emerge, a number of conditions are necessary. This is not only the amount of accumulated knowledge, but also the needs of society in this knowledge. Therefore, any scientific school, trend, tradition, even just any theory cannot be isolated phenomena: they are associated with older traditions, often in contact with other modern theories, collecting various achievements - not only knowledge from a particular science, but also from related sciences and other branches of knowledge [32, p. 23].
Thus, because in all modern concepts of any branch of knowledge we find the ideas of the authors of the past centuries, it is clear how important the study of the history of science is. Of course, not all theories are successful: some theories replace others, complement, cancel and even deny them. But you can never say that in the one or another theory turns out to be completely untenable: the old theory can become the property of the subsequent stage of science development and get a new interpretation in new theories and hypotheses. Many thoughts and ideas that seemed to be forgotten and outdated prove to be very useful and necessary for the development of modern theory. However, it often happens that a number of ideas and problems, seemingly completely new, have already been fundamentally developed earlier [5].
The task of history of any science is at first to give systematization of scientific theories within a given science in the process of its development. This approach implies a critical examination of the accumulated knowledge and assessment of the available achievements from the perspective of the prospects of science development [36, p. 73].
The historical approach convinces us that the development of linguistics, like any other field of scientific knowledge, is characterized by continuity.
2.1 The development of Linguistics in Antiquity
In all ancient cultures, the early history of linguistics is linked to the need to share discourse, especially in the case of ritual texts or arguments. This has often led to the study of sound maps and to debates about the conventional and naturalistic origin of these symbols. Finally, it has led to processes in which larger structures are formed from units.
Since antiquity, people have been touching on language issues because language was indispensable part of human existence and development of civilization. It was about not only speech mistakes, misunderstanding of interlocutors, interaction with native speakers of other languages, but also vows, magic spells, etc. With the advent of writing, a significant role in the life of society played a literacy training: reading and writing. However even with appearance of writing it is impossible to speak about any theories of language, therefore it is hardly possible to speak about such theories in ancient civilizations, for example, at Hittites, in Ancient Egypt, Urartu, in civilizations of native Indians [18].
The word antiquity can be understood in various ways. In Western historiography, including European, or rather outside Oriental studies, the word antiquity most often refers to the world of Greek-Latin civilization. In oriental studies, this word tends to be used in a broader sense – as a culture, formed during the formation of civilization. From here we can talk about Chinese, Indian, West Asian, Mediterranean antiquity [3, p.154].
In a broader sense of the word, antiquity is understood as a time of formation of writing, creation of written monuments, defining the main regional features of the first civilizations [25, p. 37].
The end of antiquity in spiritual culture can be considered the transfer of ancient civilizations on another ground (the spread of Christianity in Northern and Eastern Europe, Buddhism in China, etc.), after which the time of the middle history of culture begins. It is clear that chronological framework of such division is very flexible. However, there is undoubtedly another thing: no one as if denies the difference of these stages in the history of world culture. The essence of ancient theories of language is that they give the rules for using the language created as a result of earlier naming things that determine the construction of human language. Such rules are called grammatical art or the art of writing. In the ancient theory of language two areas are presented independently enough: the theory of naming and grammatical art. They differ both in the subject matter of description and in the method of handling the material [9].
In all cultures, the early history of linguistics is associated with the elimination of ambiguity in speech, which was primarily required in sacred texts and disputes. This often led to the study of the relationship between the sound (form) and meaning of words, there was a confrontation between two versions of the origin of words: whether the name of a thing is given by nature or it is chosen by man, as discussed, for example, Plato was thinking about this question in his dialogue "Kratil".
The earliest linguistic texts are written in cuneiform on special tablets. Their age is almost 4 thousand years. In the first century BC in southern Mesopotamia arose a grammatical tradition that lasted 2.5 thousand years. The first linguistic texts of this tradition were lists of Sumerian nouns, the language of religious and legal texts of that time. Instead of Sumerian, Akkadian, which was not related to Sumerian in any way, was used in everyday speech. Shumerian, however, existed for a long time, and religious and legal texts continued to be written in it, although it was studied by Mesopotamians as a foreign language. Information about Sumerian was recorded by the Akkadian scribes. Over the centuries, the lists became standardised, and the Sumerian words were provided with Akkadian translations [22].
3.1 Development of linguistic studies by language levels
The specific nature of linguistics as a field of scientific knowledge is predetermined primarily by the properties of its object - the natural human language in all its manifestations. On the one hand, language is closely connected with the mental sphere of man and first of all with his thinking activity and with the products of this activity, with what is called the "spiritual essence" of man. Language is an integral part of man, one of the main manifestations of his human nature. In this respect, it belongs to the objects of "ideal" nature, and therefore linguistics is rightly considered a human science. On the other hand, language is a natural formation that emerged and exists beyond the will of man, and as such it is an object of material nature. This fact combines linguistics with areas of scientific knowledge.
The language is extremely multidimensional and multi-component, which makes it possible to study it from very different points of view and with varying degrees of detail. This fact is reflected in the ever-increasing branching of linguistic knowledge. Modern linguistics consists of a multitude of "private linguists" with each specific object, purpose, presumptions and methods.
It is customary to distinguish between linguistic disciplines by several criteria. One of them means that linguistic studies the language system on the language levels.
It is worth noting here that consistency is characteristic of both the language in general and the set of disciplines that study it. The idea of language as a system dates back to the works of ancient researchers, but they are most clearly formed in the works of W. von Humboldt and F. de Sossiur. In the era of structuralism, language was seen as a system [14, p.262].
Features that can be observed in the language:
- Systemic relations are manifested even in small elements of systems.
- Adding or dropping an element leads to a change of connections in the system.
The system relationship can be reduced to three types:
a) Syntagmatic relations are relations of units in a linear sequence. Otherwise, this relationship is called combinatorial.
b) Paradigmatic relations – groupings of units into classes based on the commonality or similarity of their certain essential properties. In other words, paradigmatic relations are never characterized by the relation of real interaction.
c) Hierarchical relations – relations by degree of complexity or relations of entry of less complex units into more complex ones. Thus, the relations of systematization of linguistic units assume a system of linguistic disciplines, each of which will be directed to the study of a certain tier of language [44].
Thus, the relations of systematization of linguistic units imply a system of linguistic disciplines, each of which will be aimed at learning a certain tier of language.
Modern linguistics as a science was not formed at once; it had to go a very long way of its history, which numbers several centuries, a way parallel to the history of human civilization and language. During its formation, linguistics has managed to generate many schools and directions.
Although human beings have for millennia taken an intense interest in the languages they speak, modern linguistics has gradually developed as an independent discipline only during the past few centuries. Hundreds of major figures have contributed to this development, and thousands of others have had a significant impact upon linguistics and its host of subfields. It has been possible here only to introduce briefly some of the main ideas of several of the individuals who have been instrumental in making language study what it is at the beginning of the twenty-first century. In many cases, it has been possible to do little more than mention some of their names and their areas of expertise to signal to the interested reader the necessity of investigating further the full range of their work.
Linguistics plays a major role in the evolution and understanding of different traditions and cultures around the world. Without the knowledge of languages, perhaps a man would be nothing but a mere caveman until now. In our research we managed to highlight most major issues of the history of Linguistics. We have determined the subject, objectives, periodization and theoretical issues in the history of Linguistics; highlighted the major periods of development of Linguistics in ancient times, Middle ages and Modern Linguistics; we wrote about outstanding scholars that contributed to the development of Linguistics as a science; described existing approaches to language study by language levels and by linguistic aspects and highlighted existing methods in modern Linguistics.
The practical significance of the research is determined by the possibility of using the data of the work in further research in the field of not only the history of linguistics, but linguistics in general, its sections such as grammar, phonetics, lexicography, stylistics, methods of language teaching, etc.
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43. Schleicher, A. Significance of language for natural history of man // Philological notes. – 1868. – 416 p.
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59. Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Investigations /.Transl. by G. E. M. Anscombe.-N.Y.; Oxford, 1953. – 229 p.
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62. Zvegintsev, V.A. History of Linguistics of XIX and XX Centuries in Essays and Extracts / V.A. Zvegintsev – М.: Enlightenment, 1964. – 468 p.
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